Monday, July 3, 2023

Speaker pushed off stage by moderator, hospitalized.

: In a never before seen incident in the history of medical CMEs, the moderator of a CME pushed the speaker off the dais, surprisingly drawing cheer and celebration among the audience. It has now emerged that the moderator was upset that the speaker (identity withheld) did not stop presenting his PPT even after the warning bells.

It is a well known fact that many doctor speakers tend to keep ignoring the time frames, ignoring the signals, and keep talking well past the “safe-zone” (added extra time) of their presentation time, making the event organizers uncomfortable.

In an exclusive interview with the Quackdoses, the brave moderator Dr. Pushkar Dey said, “Already the audience looked bored and disengaged listening to him read paragraphs of texts – word to word from his slides. Even after my multiple warning bells, he kept on saying “last few slides, since we’re out of time, I will just take 2 minutes more, etc”. Most speakers take the hint and stop talking when a moderator visibly stands up and moves towards the stage. In spite of me directly going up and standing next to him, it did not deter him from talking. Amid growing audience impatience, I then had no option but to push him off the stage. A speaker who trespasses on the time of following speakers is far more impolite than I was. On the bright side, though sarcastically, but I did thank him on mic after the push, and also informed the audience that perhaps our speaker would be willing to answer additional questions offline during our break. But he was not”.

Unconfirmed sources have claimed that the speaker had to subsequently be admitted to a local hospital for his injuries, which were sustained not due to the fall, but after forgetting his wife’s birthday which happened to be on the same day.

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